WONDER MUSEUMは社会を構成する人々の多様さを再認識し互いが認め合うことで広がるコミュニケーションと、すべての人が青空の下でカジュアルにアートが楽しめるミュージアムです。様々な街に出現するミュージアムは場所や作家によって形態が変貌します。そして障がいを持つ作家の作品を中心にセレクトすることで彼らの作品発表の舞台や居場所が増えるきっかけを全国の地域で創造していきます。人と社会を巻き込みつないでいくまったく新しいミュージアムです。
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WONDER MUSEUM is a museum cart for all people to feel free to enjoy art under the sky. Based on the key words of city life, mobility, community, art, communication and excitement, we focus on encouraging people to rediscover and accept the diversity of themselves that make up the society. Our pop-up museum features different concepts and forms of exhibitions depending on locations and artists. By selecting and introducing artists with disabilities in our projects, we hope to create more chances for them to show their work to the public nationwide. This is a completely new form of art museum, which encourages people and society to connect closely each other.
Follow us on Instagram: WONDER_MUSEUM